Nov 6, 2011

How to Create a New Excel Workbook and Save It As a Macro Enabled Workbook

| Nov 6, 2011 | 0 komentar

Microsoft Excel is used worldwide for the management and recording of data in various forms slightly later time again. Microsoft Office has helped many people who are looking for a series of data securely, reliably and quickly. Microsoft Excel provides several tools, when used in combination, can help to manage and reproduce data more productively. Many Excel users to activate a new Excel workbook and save it to a network drive as a macro workbook.

It seems very difficult, but if the procedure is followed correctly, you can be successful and a good data management. Professional consultants and programmers Excel can help you with the different types of problems and you can enjoy the use of Excel for commercial purposes. You can create macros is available, then copy it into a special book, which is known as Personal.xlsb and in the system. The options available in Microsoft Excel version may vary, but always hit the update for Microsoft Office version of the newest.

It is known that the macro for the book that contains and not for any other book of the work function. It can be easy as long as they do not need the macro in several books. Macros that are installed on your home system, which gives it a book for every book that is in Microsoft Excel, the same system created. Like I said, there is a special file called a Personal.xlsb. This file is essentially workbook to run when you open Microsoft Excel starts hiding. Also known as a personal book. This workbook is located in the folder with the names of users on the C drive is saved, especially in systems that are supported by Windows Vista or Windows 7 uses.
To create a personal book, you need to develop a macro for them and then in the Personal Macro Workbook. It is important to ensure that the tab called developer tools in Microsoft Excel. Different versions of Microsoft Excel will be an alternative means of development.  
Now we go step by step and explain the process of creating a macro with a macro recorder. Using this macro, the text in each current cell will become thick.

Select the cell A1, and type in the text.
Next, check one of the group and click on the tab, then click Save Macro.
Next, a dialog box opens and you can enter a specific name for the macro. You can change the name in a special box called Box Add Macro. Can write bold for the Boldman, no more space in the middle.
When you are finished with this you can click on the Personal Macro Workbook, which is found in the macro-picture of the business. Is that OK button does. Now press Ctrl and B together to bold. Macro only record of this phase.
Once again you see the tab in the development group found code, click Stop Recording.
If you use applications that run in Excel, close to everything and have Excel.
Next, you receive a message that you can click Yes and save the changes.
If you plan to start Excel, the next time the book is automatically loaded staff, but you can not see. To save the file with the name you can Personal.xlsb on view in the Window group, click Use the View tab. Now you are able to view a file named Personal.xlsb in the dialog box to see found. Now you can click OK and see different macros that have been registered. This feature allows users to keep Excel macros and to avoid undesirable changes or elimination of macros. You can hide the personal book with the same procedure. An expert in Excel, you can help with this matter, if you think you are stuck and can not with a new book that enabled macros.

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