Nov 6, 2011

10 Reasons to Add a Blog

| Nov 6, 2011 | 0 komentar

W3 men and women who spent their days living in the virtual world - not as long as the blogs were strictly for geeks. But things change quickly on the Web in today's world, anyone can create a blog - with a single click!

But why create a blog? Why have some blogs on your website? Is not that something to something, what do you do every day or every week,worried? Maintaining a blog takes time and effort, but the payoff is enormous. There are several advantages of adding a blog to your site, which, frankly, you should definitely have one.

How do I start? Where do I start? What can I say? And what do you mean? The new owners of the site can be a lot of questions about the structure of a blog, but most experts agree that the blog to drive traffic to a website. A blog can also move your search engine rankings, you higher in search engine results pages, also known as SERPs.

So here are some tips to create a blog and continue to use to benefit your online business. If you build a blog, they will come.

First Choose a web hosting provider that offers free blogging module.

There are free applications such as Blogger to Google. And there are other blogs, such as, which for a small fee per month. But the fact is that these blog platforms called for a third party.

The problem with these blogging platforms is that they come with a long list of conditions of service or TOS. WordPress, for example, you lock a blog if it is too "commercial". You will be exposed to your account if you think your blog is too selfish. In fact, thank you, you are a publisher of a young man, you selfish blog contains links to numerous or thinking too much weight on your business!

Therefore, you control your own blog. A good host will offer one or two modules can be added free blogs to your website in minutes. Most of templates tailored to the design of your website and blog site can be adapted to come into a harmonious whole.

Before signing with a web hosting provider, you should have at least one module of the blog as phpBlog. These applications-party blogs are doing to you what he thinks is best never the dreaded 404 error message - is not the page - when a stranger in a strange place decides disable your account because your blog is too commercial. And is again exposed to a blog for a third, almost impossible to recover.

Second Use your blog to inform, not to copy sales.

It's good, some sparkle to add your website copy - a list of features, a long list of benefits, guarantees, bonds, etc.. Site visitors expect this kind of text sales page of your website - from product development, descriptions of your UPS unique positioning statement (What differentiates you from the competition).

Use your blog, good information, offer useful. Why? For if the information is good and easy to implement them coming back. And usually, the most likely to be hired into the desired action (MDA) or to buy something or take the phone to arrange an appointment.

Blogs create loyalty to the site and is a good thing. In fact, if a visitor bookmarks your blog, have you reached a Grand Slam. The visitor likes what he / she know how much they saw ... and I hope this time I'm going to buy something.

Third Keep you updated your blog.

Add the blog posts at least twice per week. When visitors come back and see the same old old, this is not coming back so often. In fact, it can not all keep the contents fresh by adding new posts regularly - at least twice per week.

4th Submit your blog search engines.

Search engines love content in green. Offered food and eating gummy bears as children ingest. But you can take a while, begin to search engines crawl your blog and give left in search engine results pages.

Submit your blog to Google, Ask, Yahoo, and other major search engines. But do not forget to submit your blog on - the search engine for blogs. Quick - if people are using the latest information, or search for a different view, which for the latest, best information again.

5th Maintain a file of blogs.

If you publish twice a week, is this piece that started two months ago, seem a bit stale, even if the information is as current as the title of today.

Create and save a file on your old blog posts. He added a search feature, visitors of this blog, to search terms and words to the blog post states that enter can be found.

6th Stay focused.

If your blog is on the marathon, an article about the new iPhone is not what the readers expect. You expect a good and solid information on training for his next marathon to stay at this point.

Add an anchor text in your blog - readers have built-in links to the exact page of your site that sells the product or service discussed in the blog. This helps visitors find the information on the site without the previous page and start the navigation links.

7th Keep It only

When Google announced changes to its algorithm, all the sites in connection with human trafficking blog. This change is everywhere and his little message will be invisible. There is always the biggest, most popular blogs on everything from milk production to wind farming.

Looking for a new "hook" or a new perspective will be highlighted. Some bloggers brag about controversy and flame wars by posting provocative content to stimulate - content that maintains a player's reaction. This is great if your website is based on political analysis. A good discussion keeps people interested. Some readers may even begin to contribute to this by the network.

However, it will go to a potential buyer for your products or services that will affect the sale - not a good idea. Yes, controversy sells in some areas, but in the running shoe market, the controversy is not a good idea. But a review of the latest offering from Nike runners back - and maybe even buy something.

8th Make it attractive

Blog templates for the most part, although there are many desktop applications, an unknown blogger, so you create a blog like no one else can.

Add Images - decorative. In addition, a web picture is worth a thousand words. If you sell a particular type of insertion for the marathon running shoes, part of the introduction of the advantages of this corridor.

Charts, diagrams and other graphics are also a good way to get a large amount of information in an easily understandable introduction. It is much easier to use a graphic, which is three pages of text that evaluate the same information as the cake to your blog with images, tables, graphics, videos and other media to stop reading.

If it sounds good, that is what at the beginning of the game before.

9th Make it easy for the reader of your blog whip.

Add a simple module that the reader a blog or a message on Facebook, Plurk, Ttechnorati, Digg, Reddit and other sites that the reader to identify the right content can allow retweet.

Adding a module for each blog that allows the reader to say to others through social media ". Hey, look forth to this point 'S good." You build trust with your regular readers, the reputation of your blog.

10th Use high-traffic days to improve its reputation

Some of your posts are better than others. Some will be absorbed better. Keep track of your blog on indicators of, and other sites that readers can vote for good content.

The day of your message on Twitter retweeted 20 times or 1 day if the rod to break into the Top 20 at votes, followed immediately with quality content. You will see increased traffic to your blog visitors from 20 200 visitors per day. The next day, be sure to be the best blog I have ever written to send, because at least see some of these 200 new readers again, whether the message was a new opportunity or a blog is really as good as it seems.

Short? Blogs are link bait. They are useful for building a community site - a collection of fans coming back every day. Blogs are easily updated so that it is sales or special promotions, your programmers can not announce the call. And, Good Will create blogs, because there is good information, impartial, not smoking, some hype.

Create a blog and enjoy the benefits. A good web hosting provider that also help you install a blog at no extra cost. It has to work a web hosting provider.

Shop around. Check the blog mods are included. If not, a lot that you can keep your site fresh and new permits.

This is what keeps people coming back and the realization of the MDA. Oh, and why I built this site in the first place?

Of course you can do!

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