Nov 6, 2011

Understanding and Finding the Best Home Acne Treatment

| Nov 6, 2011 | 0 komentar

Traditionally, the acne as a problem that teenagers and young adults, only with much, but the truth is that acne can affect adults of all ages. At home acne treatment is a good first line of defense against the white, black heads and pimples. By learning what causes acne and find ways of making a person more likely to be the best prevention of acne treatment for them.

What are the causes of acne

Break the Acne occurs when pores are clogged. The pores can become clogged with dead skin cells, natural oils, sweat and other impurities such as dirt and makeup. 

This blockage leads to inflammation of the pores causing pimples, white point, black point, or form. Most commonly affected area of ​​distribution of the face, neck and back. However, acne can occur in almost any body part.

Over the counter treatments 

There are a number of products for the treatment of acne, which can be bought without prescription. Most of these products contain at least one of the following ingredients.Alcohol and acetone are generally used in products for people with oily skin. Alcohol is used to reduce Propionibacterium acnes, the bacteria that causes acne. Acetone removes excess sebum.Benzoyl peroxide is found in most acne products. It kills the bacteria causing the epidemic, and treats inflammation. 

Acne Home Remedies 

While working over the counter products, many people try several home remedies for acne treat your acne first. The reason is that most home remedies for acne contain no artificial chemicals. Often, home remedies are a bit cheaper on other products to try.Oatmeal has been cooked can be distributed in the affected area. If left for 10-20 minutes, then wash.A facelift can be done by water and by mixing to the dough as a lawyer. This washing should be used once a day.Cucumbers into a thick paste can be mixed to be used as an update of the skin of the face area, and helps to clog pores. Be sure to leave about 30 minutes, then washed.To accelerate the treatment of acne fresh garlic can be distributed over the break. While it smells, it dries up acne. 

Tips to prevent acne 

A good acne treatment at home is good to have, but there are a few things that a person may do to the number of outbreaks you have to reduce.By drinking eight glasses of water per day can reduce the number of households. In fact, this operation will enhance the realization of a whole person.The person must try not to sleep on your face. This can cause a big problem with acne, because if a person sleeps the sweat and oil can not be dried.Do not try to have too much stress. It has been shown that too much stress can cause acne usually explodes. So everyone should take a deep breath and try not to worry about small details.

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